Student Testimonials




Former students and supervisees have said...



"...Tanya creates an exquisite balance between safety and challenge that elicits our natural desire to heal. Her wholistic, body-based approach is refreshing and powerful..."



"...Tanya provided just the right balance of challenge (expressed with curiosity) and encouragement. I appreciated her organization, clear expression of expectations and authentic sharing of self which helped to create a safe environment in which to take risks and grow. Tanya's thorough, timely and insightful written comments on my work were always helpful. Her attention and sensitivity to broader cultural influences inspired and guided me in my own work with newcomers to Canada. All these qualities allowed me to flourish as a developing family therapist under her supervision..."



"In my first year therapist in training practicum, I had Tanya Elez as my supervisor. I have a profound appreciation for her positive and sensitive approaches in guiding me to translate my theoretical knowledge into working with clients. She was always available to assist me with some of my anxieties in working with individuals and helping me recognize my own strengths and natural ability as a therapist. She persistently encouraged me to be more confident in my work and to trust my skills"




"Tanya is a strong and steady presence who supervises without judgement. Her ability to be both transparent and in control allowed me to be very transparent, and confident in our relationship and consequently brought out the best in the work I did. Her support and expertise with both clients and students is amazing and I learned so much from her"





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© Dr. Tanya Elez, Registered Psychologist (#2269)